Thursday, October 23, 2014


Charitable video raffle funds benefit veterans in need

Hundreds of veterans across Ohio receive assistance to prepare for winter months

Columbus, Ohio (October 22, 2014)  - Hundreds of central Ohio military veterans in need received a hand up on Tuesday at the 17th annual Central Ohio Stand Down, a yearly event sponsored by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs with help from organizations like VFW of Ohio Charities and the Ohio Veterans and Fraternal Charitable Coalition (OVFCC).

Services provided at the event include medical treatment, help with local agencies, legal assistance, clothing, personal grooming, and a hot meal.

Both organizations have participated in a substantial way in stand down events throughout Ohio in 2014, including Columbus, Akron, Chillicothe and one upcoming in Dayton in November.  VFW of Ohio Charities and the OVFCC have given out over 300 sleeping bags, 500 pairs of boots, 150 coats, and 300 sweatshirts, countless pair of socks, t-shirts, and hygiene items as veterans prepare for the winter months ahead.

A majority of the funding to provide these critical items came from the OVFCC charitable video raffle program, which has raised nearly $11 million for veterans & fraternal groups and their charities at no expense to taxpayers.  The video raffle program is currently operating under a temporary restraining order issued by the courts after the Attorney General threatened to shut the program down when the state legislature declined to pass HB 325.  The bill would have clarified Ohio’s charitable video gaming laws.

Veterans and fraternal groups are hopeful they will win their court case and will be able to continue raising funds to support their posts and charities through the video raffle program.

“Our assistance is vital to veterans in need throughout the state’” said VFW of Ohio Charities’ director Bill Seagraves.  “We help vets with housing, medical bills, burials, and countless other ways.  Who will provide these services if we are not able?  It’s disappointing that veterans groups are forced to sue their state government in order to protect their ability to help their own.”

The OVFCC is an unincorporated association that was established in 2003 to achieve consensus and develop policy on various issues affecting veterans and fraternal organizations in the State of Ohio. Member organizations have input regarding charitable gaming as well as legislation, rules and regulations that impact veterans and fraternal organizations.  The OVFCC is the voice of more than 2.1 million members and their families who are active in more than 1,700 posts and clubs throughout the Ohio. 

OVFCC President Bill Seagraves can be reached for further comment at (614) 222-1611
For more information about the OVFCC, please visit